I’m a listener. I learned in my teenage years to listen and learn from other people’s experiences. They went through it so you wouldn’t have to.
I’ve been a listening ear for a many people along the way... taking everything as advice even when it came to me as a vent session.
Therefore, I ended up becoming someone able to listen to all advice given to me. Navigate through it & find what applies to me & what doesn’t but I can hear it all.
My husband’s grandmother, our Nana, recognized that trait in me early on. She pointed it out & said that it would take me far. Coming from the evangelist matriarch of the family, that made me proud.
I lost my last living grandparent in 2019 so I was lucky to still have Nana in my life. These past two years I welcomed two new roles: wife and mother. Our time spent together became her ”coaching” me into those roles & me soaking up every word. I’ve noticed a lot of people think advice is a negative & get offended often when someone tells them what to do or how to act. Alternatively, I appreciate it. I encourage it. If you’ve done it already, why wouldn’t I want to learn how? I love learning.
I loved learning from Nana and I wouldn’t trade the conversations we‘ve had over these last 2 years for anything in the world. I needed them & I feel like she needed to share them with me so I could be sure to take care of her grandson & great granddaughter & remain sane & faithful through it all for them & myself. The wisdom was infinite, raw & shared with love. I will hold onto it forever.
She passed this week. I am devastated when I think of my child never meeting her Big Nana. But someone told me she is now getting to meet her before anyone else. Nana gets to prepare her for the journey ahead now before us all. And that comforts me. The best possible person to introduce you to your life and your family.
Rest well, Nana.
Thank you for allowing me to listen & learn.
