I was studying for my test, planning a book club launch, ready to do some vaccinated travel & excited about all the things, then I found out I was pregnant. Everything stopped.
I never realized how quickly pregnancy hits you. Like my body started changing immediately. I was exhausted. I’ve never felt this kind of exhaustion before in my life. It takes over you & there’s nothing you can do. No way to fight it. The pregnancy wins out every time. The baby is in control now.
A blessing. Planned but still unexpected. Everyone tells you how hard it is to conceive. I’m 33 years old. I drink. I’m overweight. I’ve never been pregnant before. I took birth control nonstop for all of my 20s. For the anti-vaxxers of the world, I’d just gotten my COVID vaccine about a month ago. (I don’t believe that affects fertility, but so many had their theories. Which we’ve proved very wrong.) So many factors that we thought would/could affect us. And who even knew what factors my husband may have had. We started trying. I thought I had about a year.
I know science. I believe in the way things work. I know my body so I know my menstrual cycle down to the day. Well, apparently, I knew it too well. Because first try & BOOM: pregnant. Planned but unexpected.
So here we are starting a new chapter in life. Growing our family. It’s a beautiful thing… expecting.
