March 2nd is National Read Across America Day. It was created to get kids excited about reading and is held on Dr. Seuss's birthday. Because... who gets you more excited to read than Dr. Seuss?? Honestly, I still look at Dr. Seuss books today (at my big age) and get excited, nostalgic. They're just so pretty and so fun.
I love this day because I love reading. I think adults should get more excited about reading too. However, a lot of us aren't excited about it. I get it. I have to do a lot of reading for work and a lot of reading for school But I make it a point to fit some pleasure reading in there too now. It made a huge difference for me and the way I started to view reading as an exhausting task. Try it.
In the spirit of the day, I am sharing the books I'm most excited to read from the first quarter of this year. (Can you believe we're already in March?) While I enjoy all types of books, these are all fiction. I like to escape to a different life/world when I'm reading for pleasure. I have yet to read any of the titles below so join me in adding them to your up next list.

While I normally don't like to read fiction that may include some sort of Black struggle commentary (because I mean I live a Black person's life every day & that's quite enough), this one seems interesting. It's exploring race, privilege, social commentary and what seems like a familial connection that arises between an employer & employee. I'm intrigued. It's also written by a Black woman from LA so I'm down to read it.

A contemporary fiction that is described as a story of love, death & revenge. That's kind of right up my alley.

A romantic comedy. Yes, I read romance. No, I'm not ashamed of it.
This is the second book in a series (though I think they're standalones) and I liked the first one so on to the next! It's about a couple that's been together 10 years that wants to rekindle the spark. Everything's great, but there's some secret. What is it? We gotta go read to find out!

Dystopia AND baseball? These are a few of my favorite things. Something is going on where auto intelligence is running the world, climate change has caused half the world to be underwater and a girl is playing baseball. Yeah, I don't know either. But I want to.

A story about adulting and how it is sucking the life out of adults! I may be exaggerating, but that's exactly how I feel so reading about a woman who is trying to fall back in love with her life at 35 is a necessity. Did I write this? Is this about me?

A psychological thriller. Need I say more? I'm sure you have heard of Munchausen sydrome; this book focuses on Munchausen by proxy. We saw this theme in Sharp Objects, yes, BUT we didn't see what could happen if the child gets the opportunity to get revenge... The mother goes to jail, gets out & the daughter takes her in. Apparently, then it gets juicy.

A fauxmance turned real. Same story, different book? Maybe.
Yet I always read them. I have no shame *shrugs* and no regrets.

Race, morality, classism, but make it science. It's being described as "part The Handmaid's Tale, part The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks." They had me at hello.

Terry McMillan! ICYMI, Terry McMillan! Her name alone should put this on your "Want To Read" list. Loss at 68 turns a woman's life upside down and she wants (needs!) to prove that [insert title here]. Her friends come together to help her.
And an honorable mention--because I am a Hunger Games fiend:

If you are like me and love everything Hunger Games, then you should know SHE'S MAKING ANOTHER BOOK! If you've been living under a rock, consider this your friendly notification. This is "The Hunger Games #0." She's finally going back and telling some before stories. I've been waiting. And we'll still be waiting because the expected publication isn't until May. But go read what (WHO!) this is about and get excited.