As women living in this society, we must compete.
As mammals, we all possess an innate behavior to strive to be the best--survival of the fittest. However, women in particular, exhibit a learned behavior in which we tend to see the next woman as our nothing more than our competition. Not an ally, not a teammate. She wants what I want and, in order for me to succeed, she has to fail. This is evident in school, work, dating, even friendships.
We see this behavior so often it disguises itself as innate and we accept it as the norm. Then one day, hopefully, we realize that those enemies are, not only our fiercest competitors, but our strongest allies. But by then is it too late?
Recently, we have seen the rise of feminism through social media and entertainment. The latest election even showed us that women can actually run for the leader of the free world and give men a run for their money. We've come a long way.
The election also showed us how far we still have to go. Women with lengthy credentials and overwhelming experience are placed next to men with none of the sort and judged quite ridiculously. The worst judgment comes from your own. Why is that? Because we must compete.
This narrative needs to change and we are the ones to do that.
A little competition is healthy and we cannot lose that fight that makes us put in the work to be the best. However, we must be sure to look out for one another and, specifically, not put down the next woman. I am my sister's keeper. I know that my win is a win for the women around me as well.
Your light does not have to dim in order for my light to shine brighter than before.